If you’re planning to travel sometime soon here is a quick and handy guide to ensure that your skincare routine doesn't suffer as a result!
The major stress factors for your skin when you travel are:
- Hours spent in a low humidity aircraft cabin which can dehydrate your skin
- Weather in your destination city (or country)
Follow these basic tips while packing for your trip to save your skin (and yourself) from further stress:
Tip #1 Stick To The Basics
You don’t need to carry your entire skincare wardrobe with you when you travel. This will just add to the stress of excess baggage, not to mention all that decanting of liquid product into smaller bottles. Make sure you carry your cleanser, toner, moisturizer and SPF with you.
If you have these key essentials, your skin will be absolutely fine for the duration of your trip. Do not use this time to introduce new skincare products into your routine. Save that for when you are back home.
Tip #2 Add Products For Specific Concerns
To the basic kit, add the skincare product that you may be currently using to address specific concerns such as acne, breakouts, rosacea etc.
Tip #3 Add The Right Serum To Your Skincare
For that little extra skin treat, add a serum to your skincare bag.
If you are heading to a dry, dehydrating climate- HYALURONIC ACID serum is your best bet.
If sun exposure and the resulting pigmentation is your concern then ALPHA ARBUTIN serum added to your daily routine will stave off the effects of the sun.
If you are looking for an all round serum I would pick either Vya Naturals 20% VITAMIN C SERUM or 10% NIACINAMIDE (B3) serum.
Tip #4 Prep Your Skin Before & After Travel
In the era before COVID, the hours spent on the airplane were ideal for pampering your skin. The reality of travel today is that masks are mandatory, and as a result your in flight “me-time” has been greatly restricted. So what’s the next best alternative?
Prep your skin before and after the flight:
- Apply a layer of hydrating serum (Hyaluronic Acid for the win!) on damp skin
- Follow up with Niacinamide Serum to strengthen the skin barrier
- Then seal it all in with Peptide Moisturizer
- If you are going to be on a longish flight, repeat the serum layers one more time before applying moisturizer
- Don't forget the SPF if you are boarding a day time flight
- Once you are done with the flight and have reached your home or hotel, gently exfoliate your skin and then repeat the serum layers
- Rather than use a physical exfoliant, reach for a liquid one like the Vya Naturals AHA BHA toner which will gently remove built up skin cells
Tip #5 Full Size or Miniatures
This is a personal call. It depends on the length of your trip, whether you travel light or loaded with bags. If you can get away with just putting your regular skincare products into your bags then that would be the best option.

Serums luckily are always in 30ml or smaller bottles. But washes, moisturizers, sunscreens etc. are normally purchased in larger sized bottles and may need some decanting into smaller containers for easier travel.
Tip #6 Plan Your Skincare Packing
Separate out your skincare products from your hair products and pack in separate bags. Some like to take it a step further and pack morning skincare products separate from those used as part of their evening routine. Makeup gets a bag of its own.
- While packing check all lids and caps and make sure everything is securely closed
- To be extra safe pack shower oils or facial oils in its own personal zip lock bag before placing it with the rest of your toiletries. The last thing you want to discover while unpacking is leaked skincare or oils!
Tip #7 What Should You Carry in Your Cabin Bag or Purse
A travel size hand sanitizer, lip balm and hand cream should be all you need now on the flight. You skin has been prepped up front, and your precious skincare safely checked in.
If dry skin on a flight really concerns you, pop in a small vial of facial oil. This can be pressed onto your skin to keep it nourished and protected against the dehydrated effect of cabin air.
Happy travels to your skin!
Content of this website is not a substitution for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. We do NOT replace any relationship that exists, or should exist, between you and a medical doctor or other healthcare professional. Results given in testimonials/reviews are from real people who have used Vya Naturals products, but identical or similar results are not guaranteed. Individual results may vary depending on skin type, sensitivity, lifestyle, age, skincare products combinations, skincare history, as well as how the products are applied and stored.